Nodal defended himself against criticism for moving to the US: “I want to enjoy what I earn”
After criticism reached Christian Nodal for stating that he would like to move to the United States because in Mexico he cannot be “comfortable” with his luxuries, the singer defended himself and assured that his main concern is the insecurity that exists in Aztec lands.
Recently, during a live broadcast on his Twitch channel, Christian Nodal confirmed what was already being speculated, he will seek to live in the US in order to get hold of different luxuries without having to worry about your privacy.
“Well, it's really hard to live in Mexico, it's like you can't have anything to please, you know? You can't have your nice car, your nice house, because everyone is going to know where you live, everyone is going to know what car you're in,” he said in his broadcast and the reviews soon reached his social networks.
Netizens questioned the words of Belinda's ex-boyfriend as the singer recalled some of the problems he has had with luxury vehicles he buys in Mexico and that he cannot enjoy them, comparing the situation in the United States, where many people enjoy the life he wants to give themselves.
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For this reason, the interpreter of Bottles After Bottle assured through his Twitter account that he was not looking to brag, but to talk about the reasons why he wants to live in the neighboring country. He also emphasized that he is currently only concerned with his privacy and security.
Faced with this new comment, his fans supported his reasons for moving to the United States and even encouraged him to do so for his safety.
“First your security than everything”, “Stay where you feel safe, people are never happy, they always talk”, “If in Mexico you don't feel comfortable about the issue of privacy, great, people don't have to get involved in matters that don't concern them”, were some of the responses he received in his tweet.
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Shortly after Nodal confirmed that he will be looking to live in the US, TV Notas magazine uncovered some of the most expensive purchases he has made during his stay in the neighboring country.
According to the publication, the Sonoran has paid almost a million pesos to be able to rent a house in Los Angeles. In addition, he bought an ostentatious van to ride around the city of stars.
A car agency located in San Diego shared through his Instagram account that Christian purchased a Cadillac Escalade Sport in black with leather interiors. In this car that would have a price of around 2 million Mexican pesos, the singer was already seen driving in Hollywood a few days ago.
In addition, journalist Nelssie Carrillo, a resident of Los Angeles, said that, according to her informants at the restaurant Nusr-Et, owned by Turkish chef Nusret Gökçe, Nodal spent about $20,000 on Sunday, April 17. The behavior of the mariacheño would have attracted the attention of local workers since he would have only consumed cuts that are gold plated and cost around USD 100.
Christian Nodal made his debut as a tattoo artist in the middle of the live program
Christian Nodal confessed if he asked Belinda for the engagement ring he gave him
The only photograph of Christian Nodal that Belinda still has