
Colombia reports 294 new cases of covid-19 this Saturday, April 9

Un trabajador de la salud realiza un examen de covid-19 a una señora, el 25 de marzo de 2021 en Cartagena (Colombia). EFE/RICARDO MALDONADO ROZO (RICARDO MALDONADO ROZO/)

The Ministry of Health reported, this Saturday, April 9, 2022, 294 new cases of covid-19 in Colombia. In the last 24 hours, 13,595 tests were processed, of which 6,389 are PCR and 7,209 are antigens.

The report also noted that ten Colombians died of the disease on the last day. In this way, the country reaches a total of 139,703 deaths due to the virus since the start of the pandemic.

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By aggregating all the figures, Colombia reached a total of 6,087,737 infections, of which 3,650 are active cases and 5,920,900 correspond to positive cases that have already managed to overcome the disease.

There are 175 conglomerates in the country. The territories are: Amazon, Antioquia, Arauca, Atlantic, Barranquilla, Bogota, Bolivar, Boyaca, Buenaventura, Caldas, Caqueta, Cartagena, Casanare, Cauca, Cesar, Choco, Cordoba, Cundinamarca, Guainía, Guaviare, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Quindio, Risaralda, San Andres, Santa Marta, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle del Cauca, Vaupés, Vichada.

This is how vaccination is going in the country

The most recent report from the Ministry of Health also indicates that as of 11:59 on Thursday, April 7, 2022, a total of 81,519,746 doses of the vaccine against covid-19 had already been applied in Colombia.

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According to the same report, the number of Colombians with the complete vaccination schedule, that is, those who have already received the two doses of the biological, currently amounts to 28,668,880 people, while 6,375,439 people have been immunized with single doses. Likewise, 10,763,569 booster doses have been applied.

Similarly, during the last day, a total of 86,506 vaccines were applied, of which 23,224 were for the second injection, while another 4,623 were single-dose.

The Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, said that after 14 months the stage of the National Vaccination Plan will be completed, and immunizations of the population will continue through the Expanded Program on Immunization, PAI.

Starting next week, the mass closure will begin throughout the country, where they will carry out a census of available vaccines and also, of people who have been immunized against the virus. S e will start in Bogotá.

“We come from a model where we adopted the processes that came from the EPI, but we adopted next to an operational structure where nearly 84 million vaccines against covid-19 have been applied,” said the minister who points to the need to move to an institutionalized phase, where vaccination against coronavirus is integrated with regular immunization.

“We will send Minsalud teams with the Superintendency of Health to check how many were sent, how many are in the warehouses, how many were delivered to municipalities and are in the refrigerators, and how many are already in place. This will serve to validate the accounts, which is the second point, the verification of the counts”


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